
Use Arcos & Lamers Asociados services for your property transactions in Spain

The law Firm Arcos & Lamers Asociados offers you professional advice when you are buying a property in Spain, and provides you with all of the information that you may need about expenses and taxes that will arise, in the acquisition or sale of a property.

– Legal advice on purchase and sale of properties for residential use, business premises or building plots.

– Analysis of the necessary documentation regarding the property.

– Study of all inherent expenses to the property in order to confirm the non-existence of debts, and appropriate checking of charges at the Land Registry.

– Payment of taxes for the transaction and registration at the Land Registry.

– Other services related to real estate such as Declaration of New Building Title Deeds, rentals, establishment and cancellation of mortgage securities, exchanges, dation in payment, and others.


Arcos & Lamers Asociados, expert Spanish Law Firm in conveyancing matters, will provide in the very beginning, advice on the way to proceed for the acquisition or the sale of the property in Spain.

The client will be informed on the corresponding taxes and costs arising in the purchase or sale transaction.

Arcos & Lamers Asociados will provide a breakdown of taxes and disbursements as well as general advice as required during the process. The Firm highlights the below mentioned main services:

  1. Obtaining the necessary documentation on the property from the vendor and/or its advisers.
  2. Carrying out the corresponding searches on the property at the Land Registry, to confirm ownership of the same and possible registered charges.
  3. Ensuring that the property is up to date in all its payments, by contacting the different entities as Town Hall, catastro and Community of Owners.
  4. When required, liaise with the corresponding experts, as a qualified architect inSpain, to ensure that the property meets with all the requirements of the Local Zoning Regulations, or to analyse the physical conditions of the same.
  5. Study on Plusvalia Tax arising at the time of the sale to be settled to the Town Hall.
  6. Study and advise on Company Tax or Capital Gain Tax arising at the sale of the property
  7. Issuing a report on the property to inform the client on the different issues related to the property as ownership, full official description, charges, registration at catastro offices, etc.
  8. Drawing up the option agreement to be granted between the parties for the sale or acquisition of the property, including the corresponding special conditions, if applicable, as per previous report issued.
  9. Drawing up minute of Purchase Sale Title Deed to be granted at the Notary’s Office, preparing completion of the transaction. Attending the meeting at the Notary by one of the Lawyers of Arcos & Lamers Asociados at the time of the signing of the title deed and payment or collection of the corresponding sale price.
  10. Collection of Purchase Sale Title Deed from the Notary to be presented to the Tax Office, ensuring payment of taxes arising in the transaction.
  11. Presentation of Purchase Sale Title Deed at the corresponding Land Registry to have the property finally registered in the name of the client.
  12. Once all the process of the registration has been finalised, producing a final statement of account of funds received and payments made.
  13. Sending the Purchase Sale Title Deed duly registered with the originals of all the tax bills and our certificate on title to the client.

NOTE: The above mentioned information has been produced by Arcos & Lamers Asociados, lawyers, accountants and tax advisors in Spain. The same is issued for informative and guidance purposes only and it is not legally binding as the services will vary depending on the features of each particular transaction. The same or part of the contents of the same should not be reproduced, nor given to third parties, without the authorization of Spanish Law firm Arcos & Lamers Asociados.

tax in spain

Spanish law firm informing on Tips for the sale of your property in Spain

In the event that you are thinking in selling your property in Spain, our Spanish law firm in Marbella would suggest to carry out a very simple procedure, in order to avoid unnecessary  future delays in the transaction.

To this effect, the following searches should be carried out, to ascertain that all the documentation related to your Spanish property is in order:

1º.- The multilingual speaking lawyers in Marbella of our firm would recommend to obtain a “nota simple” or certificate from the Land Registry in Spain, to verify that the property is duly registered in your name, and possible charges on the same, i.e. a mortgage which has been fully repaid to the Bank, but not cancelled yet at the Registry.

2º.- It is also important to check that the payments of IBI (RATES)  and garbage collection are up to date at the Town Hall, or to find out whether there is a debt related to the property.

3º.- Our Spanish law firm in Marbella would also recommend to check whether  you are holding a copy of the Licence of First Occupation.  Please note that this document shows if the property is legal, if it has been built in accordance with the Planning Regulations in the area.

4º.- We would advice to obtain an estimate of the payment of the Plusvalia Tax, to take into account all future costs arising in the sale.

5º.- Our specialised Spanish property lawyers of our firm are also advising to obtain and indication of the Capital Gains Tax arising in the sale, being another costs to be taken into account.

6º.- Your will also have to obtain the Energy Certificate, necessary to be provided to the purchaser at the time of the completion of the sale in front of the notary.

7º.- Finally, in the event that you are non resident in Spain, we recommend to check that you have presented the corresponding Spanish Non Resident Income Tax Declarations.

Should you wish to proceed with the sale of your property in Spain, we shall be pleased to assist you with the mentioned searches, in order to easy the later sale of the property.

Additional legal and tax information with regards to the sale of your Spanish property can be obtain at our micro-web site. 

Previouse posts at our blog under the title “Spanish Property” can be found here: 

For any clarification please do not hesitate to contact us.  At Arcos &  Lamers Asociados we have a professional team expert in legal and fiscal matters, who can help you in the sale procedure and settlement of all taxes arising.

Additional information on the purchase of a house in Spain, the sale of a house in Spain, property tax in Spain  among others.

Steps to be taken just after the granting of the purchase sale Title Deed inSpain

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The contents of your purchase Title Deed in Spain.

The multilingual property lawyers of our law firm in Marbella, Málaga, Spain have the pleasure to provide you additional information on the contents of the Spanish purchase Title Deed at where the notary is an independent professional, which will ensure that your transaction is carried out within the strictest legality.

We go to a notary to sign, among others, the deed for the acquisition or sale of your property, to grant a Power of Attorney, to make a Will and to set up a Spanish company.  In Spain, the notary is guarantee of security, legality and independence.

What information appears in you Purchase Sale Title Deed?  Read more…..

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