Categories: Spanish property

Cancellation of the mortgage over your property in Spain

With these few lines we intend to inform you on the steps to be carried out by yourself, to formally cancel a mortgage loan which has already been paid in full. Make sure the bank signs the Title Deed that cancels the mortgage in Spain!   After the settlement of the debt with your bank,
  • Wim Lamers
  • Lawyer in Spain, Lawyer Marbella, Lawyers in Marbella, Property Lawyer in Marbella, Spanish law firm,
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3% Retention in the purchase-sale of properties in Spain

When a sale of a property located in Spanish territory, by a non-resident taxpayer in Spain occurs, the purchaser has the obligation to withhold and pay 3% of the purchase price of the property, as an advanced payment on account of the taxes of the non-resident seller. In other words, this 3% is a prepayment
  • Wim Lamers
  • Abogados en Marbella, Asesoramiento Fiscal Marbella, Asesoramiento Jurídico Costa del Sol, Incremento patrimonial español,
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Regulations to the Spanish holiday rental market (II)

Factors to consider before registering your Spanish property Our law firm in Marbella, Arcos & Lamers Asociados, has the pleasure to line you out some additional notes concerning the registration of your holiday rental home in Andalucía due to the large number of inquiries that we already have received. Owners of a property in Andalucía
  • Wim Lamers
  • Abogados en Marbella, Abogados Españoles, Asesoramiento Jurídico Costa del Sol, Despacho de abogados Español,
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Amendments on the Spanish Mortgage Law establishing geo-references coordinates on properties in Spain

On November 1, 2015 entered into force the Law 13/2015, of June 24, which amendments the Mortgage Law, the aim of this reform is to coordinate the relationship between the Land Registry and Cadastre improving communication between them. So from the entered into force of this Spanish Law, one of those changes are relating to
  • Wim Lamers
  • Abogado en España, Abogado Urbanístico en Marbella, Abogados Costa del Sol, Abogados en Marbella, Abogados Españoles,
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Responsibilities deadlines on constructions of properties in Spain

Regarding the query about the responsibility of the promoter after the constructions of a property in Spain, please kindly be informed, in general terms, what the Spanish Regulations states. Our English speaking law firm in Marbella refers to the so known Ley 28/1999 de 5 Noviembre de Ordenación de la Edificación: – Without prejudice to
  • Wim Lamers
  • Abogado Urbanístico en Marbella, Abogados Costa del Sol, Abogados en Marbella, Despacho de abogados Español,
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New regulations to the holiday rental market

Due to the increasing number of new ways to travel, the Regional authority here in Andalucía so known as “Junta de Andalucía” has decided to regulate the properties that offer the service of tourist accommodation in order to establish minimum guarantees of quality and safety for the tourist equipment users. This new regulation involved those
  • Wim Lamers
  • Abogado en España, Abogados en Marbella, Asesoramiento Jurídico Costa del Sol, Despacho de abogados Español,
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Tax liabilities for non residents in Spain; Non resident tax

Rental – Deemed Income Tax in Spain. All non residents owning a property in the Spain Territory have the legal obligation to present a Non Resident’s annual Tax Return. Even if your Spanish property is left empty or you do not rent it out to a third party, the Spanish Law presumes a “Deemed Rental
  • Wim Lamers
  • Accountant in Spain, Lawyers in Marbella, Non Residents in Spain, Tax Advice Marbella,
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Regulation of contracts at the Spanish Civil Code

The Spanish Civil Code, in its articles 1254 et seq., states that the contract exists since one or more persons agree to force, to any service or to give something. The parties may agree on the conditions that they consider applicable, always when they are not contrary to the law, morality or public order. In
  • Wim Lamers
  • Abogados Costa del Sol, Abogados en Marbella, Abogados Españoles, Despacho de abogados Español,
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Community of property owners in Spain. Regime of private real estate developments (art. 24 Horizontal Property Act)  

  This blog came from a query made by a client, a homeowner who is part of a Spanish community of owners, with the particularity that each house has small garden plot and relief. At the last Annual General Meeting was agreed that the Community of owners may carry out maintenance works and repair of
  • Wim Lamers
  • Lawyer in Spain, Lawyers in Marbella, Property Lawyer in Marbella, Spanish law firm,
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Regulation of the contracts at the Spanish Civil Code

The Spanish Civil Code, in its articles 1254 et seq., states that the contract exists since one or more persons agree to force, to any service or to give something. The parties may agree on the conditions that they consider applicable, always when they are not contrary to the law, morality or public order. In
  • Wim Lamers
  • Abogado en España, Abogado en Marbella, Abogados Españoles, Jurídico España,
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