
How obtain a Nie Certificate in Spain

EMIGRATION TO SPAINThe Nie certificate is a Spanish Fiscal Identification number for non Spanish nationals (“Real Decreto 557/2011, de 20 de abril, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de la Ley Orgánica 4/2000, sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España y su integración social”). This certification does not show or proof whether you are Spanish tax resident or non Tax Resident in Spain and is only a number that identifies you as an individual in front of National, regional or local Spanish Inland Revenue. It will be requested when:

  • By opening a Spanish bank account
  • Buying a property in Spain

3 – Granting of Mortgage in Spain

  • Buying a car in Spain, among others.

They are three ways you can obtain your Nie Certificate.

  • Spanish Embassy in your home country.
  • Personally
  • Through Arcos & Lamers Asociados your accountant and lawyer in Spain.


What are the benefits if you request your Nie Certificate by Arcos & Lamers Asociados?

Do you wish to obtain your Nie certificate while you are comfortably enjoying the culture and gastronomy in Spain? Or you do not wish to travel to Spain or you are too busy at business abroad? Do not hesitate to contact Arcos and Lamers Asociados to avoid all the paperwork! We are experts in Spanish bureaucracy.

Our Spanish law firm in Marbella may obtain, on your behalf, your Spanish fiscal identification number (Nie number certificate). Two main alternatives to obtain the Spanish NIE number are available:

  1. In the event you do not wish or are not able to arrive to Spain, the English speaking lawyers of our law firm in Marbella, Spain will, in this case, issue a power of attorney in Spanish and English. We will send the bi-lingual version by email to you in order to you to sign the same at a notary in your home country. The power has to include the apostille of the Hague. Also your passport or identity card must be legalized by the notary. Both, the bi-lingual power of attorney and the legalized version of your passport or identity card should included the apostille of the hague (click here for more info on the the apostille of the convention of la haye du 5 Octobre 1961).
  1. Are you in Spain? Than one of the lawyers of our law firm in Marbella, Spain will than grant the power of attorney in Spanish solely. The corresponding English speaking lawyer will assist you at any time attending in addition to Spanish notary in order to let you sign the Spanish power of attorney and to legalized your passport or identity card. The apostille of the convention of la hague is in this case not applicable.

Paralegal staff attending local police station in Marbella.

Once the power of attorney is signed passport legalized, the paralegal staff of our Spanish law firm in Marbella will prepare all the necessary application forms and settle the corresponding stamp duty at a Spanish bank. We will attend to the local police office and apply for the NIE number certification. After one week the NIE number certification will be available so that you may proceed to purchase a house in Spain, open a bank account, buy a vehicle in Spain among others.

Contact our law firm in Marbella now for additional information or assistance to obtain your Spanish NIE number or any additional tax or legal advise.

  • Wim Lamers
  • Law in Spain, Lawyer in Spain, Spanish lawyers, Spanish tax,

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