Tags: Spanish Will

Inheritance in Spain (III)

This is our third article we are publishing related to the reduction of inheritance tax in Spain and specifically in Andalusia. This time, we wish to inform you about the reduction in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia when the same property is being inherited consecutively. Previous articles: 1) Reductions on the inheritance tax for acquisition
  • Wim Lamers
  • Inheritance Marbella, Spanish Inheritance Tax, Spanish tax, Spanish Will,
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Inheritance in Spain (II)

 Reductions on the inheritance tax in Spain and specifically in Andalusia for acquisition of a company, business or shares in Spanish companies, as well as Reduction for acquisition of habitual residence. In our previous articles (SEE… ), we have already informed you about the general reductions and bonuses on these reductions as well as additional
  • Wim Lamers
  • Inheritance Marbella, Spanish Inheritance Tax, Spanish law firm, Spanish tax, Spanish Will,
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Kind of heirs. Three parts of an inheritance in Spain. How to disinherit a child or spouse in Spain

According to Spanish legislation, there are three types of heirs: Voluntary heirs: Those appointed in the will. Should they come to decease before the testator, the right to inherit will not be passed on to their descendants. Heirs entitled to a reserved share:
  • Wim Lamers
  • Fiscal advisers Marbella, Inheritance Marbella, Spanish Inheritance Tax, Spanish Will, Tax Advice Marbella,
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Regulation of European Union in matters of succession. European Certificate of succession. III

Inheritance, Wills and succession in Spain REGULATION (EU) No 650/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 4 July 2012, on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession Unified version of
  • Wim Lamers
  • Inheritance Marbella, Lawyers in Marbella, Spanish Inheritance Tax, Spanish Will,
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Inheritance in Spain, reductions on inheritance tax in Andalucía (I)

Are you the owner of a property in Spain? Then you must be aware that in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia you can apply for a series of reductions on the corresponding Spanish Inheritance tax base. Reductions on the Inheritance tax base in Andalucía. Certain relevant reductions will be applied onto the tax base of
  • Wim Lamers
  • Inheritance Marbella, Lawyers in Marbella, Spanish Inheritance Tax, Spanish law firm, Spanish Will,
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Regulation of E.U. in matters of succession. European Certificate of succession. I

 European regulations with regards the Inheritance, Wills and Succession in Spain will enter in force as from 17.08.2015. Our Spanish law firm in Marbella is frequently approached by European citizens concerned about the situation in which their assets located in Spain after their decease, the law applicable to their succession or taxes payable. The European
  • Wim Lamers
  • Inheritance Marbella, Lawyers in Marbella, Spanish Inheritance Tax, Spanish law firm, Spanish Will,
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Judgment Court of Justice of the Europan Union and adaptation of the Spanish Inheritance and Donation Tax Law, for non residents

The Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union dated 3rd September 2014, Case C-127/12 (http://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?docid=157285&doclang=ES) states contrary to the principle of free movement of capital, the different tax treatment of donations and inheritance between inheritors and donees residents and non-residents in Spain, between grantors residents and non-residents in Spain and between donations
  • Wim Lamers
  • Inheritance Marbella, Non Residents in Spain, Spanish Inheritance Tax, Spanish Will, Tax Advice Marbella,
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How to obtain a copy of a will granted in Spain or to find out whether a Spanish will was granted or not

In order to find out the existence of a Will in Spain, or to obtain a copy of the same, it is necessary to obtain the Death Certificate. With this Death Certificate, it will be possible to apply, to the “Registro de Actos de Última Voluntad” (Last Wills Registry) a certificate of the last Spanish
  • Wim Lamers
  • Inheritance Marbella, Lawyers in Marbella, Spanish law firm, Spanish Will,
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Necessary documentation for non-resident who wish to proceed with the Acceptance of Inheritance in Spain

A considerable number of doubts may arise in a very delicate moment when, in addition to taking decisions such as going to a professional Spanish law firm to assist you in the acceptance of your inheritance in Spain, you need to prepare the documentation required to proceed with the acceptance of the assets of the
  • Wim Lamers
  • Inheritance Marbella, Lawyers in Marbella, Legal Advice Costa del Sol, Spanish Inheritance Tax, Spanish Will,
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The Spanish Will is the act by which a person decides,  for after its death, they way to leave all its assets or part of them. In Spain, each individual person should grant a Will,  not being valid to prepare a testament by  two or more people together, or in one single document, neither the
  • Wim Lamers
  • Inheritance Marbella, Lawyer in Spain, Lawyers in Marbella, Spanish Will, Tax Planning,
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