Tags: Asesoramiento Fiscal Marbella

3% Retention in the purchase-sale of properties in Spain

When a sale of a property located in Spanish territory, by a non-resident taxpayer in Spain occurs, the purchaser has the obligation to withhold and pay 3% of the purchase price of the property, as an advanced payment on account of the taxes of the non-resident seller. In other words, this 3% is a prepayment
  • Wim Lamers
  • Abogados en Marbella, Asesoramiento Fiscal Marbella, Asesoramiento Jurídico Costa del Sol, Incremento patrimonial español,
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Spanish annual accounts for the fiscal year 2015

Soon and after presenting the Companies Tax for the year 2015, you will need to present and register the annual accounts of your company in Spain. The annual accounts must form one unit and must include the report, the balance and the profit and loss account, as well as the State of Changes in the
  • Wim Lamers
  • Asesoramiento Fiscal Marbella, Contable en España, Empezar una empresa en España, Fiscal advisers Marbella,
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Limits on cash payments in Spain

At the end of 2012 there was a modification on the Spanish Tax & Financial regulations.  Some of the changes where introduced to increase the actions in the prevention and fight against fraud.  One of these actions was to set limits on the cash payments of certain transactions. A cash limit was established on all
  • Wim Lamers
  • Asesoramiento Fiscal Marbella, Contable en España, Contable Marbella, Jurídico España,
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