

SPANISH WILLThe Spanish Will is the act by which a person decides,  for after its death, they way to leave all its assets or part of them.

In Spain, each individual person should grant a Will,  not being valid to prepare a testament by  two or more people together, or in one single document, neither the Spanish Will may be granted by a third party or a representative

The Will can be open or closed.

We will treat your open Will in Spain:

The open Will is granted when the testator expresses his/her wishes in the presence of a public notary, being the notary aware if the contents of the document.

When the testator expresses its wishes in a language that the notary does not know, it will be required the presence of an interpreter, chosen by the testator, to translate the document. In this case, the Will will be written in both languages with an indication of which language has been used by the testator.

The testator must identify hin/hertself to the notary by passport or national identity document.

The Will in Spain will expressly include:

– Place, year, month, day and time of its granting.

– Identification of the testator by the notary and declaration of  its legal capacity to grant the document.

– Disposition of the assets.

– Signature of the testator.

The Will in which are not observed the formalities required by the applicable Spanish Law will be null.

At Arcos y Lamers Asociados we simplify the procedure. We prepare your Spanish Will in both languages, Spanish and your mother language, and we arrange the meeting at the public notary together with the required interpreter for the translation of the document. Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

María Teresa Arcos, lawyer in Marbella.

Wim Lamers, registered accountant (economist) in Marbella.

Marbella, October 2013.

  • Wim Lamers
  • Inheritance Marbella, Lawyer in Spain, Lawyers in Marbella, Spanish Will, Tax Planning,

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