

Inheritance in Marbella

Inheritance in Spain

Besides our this general web site, our multi-lingual proactive law firm would like to invite you to visit the just launched micro web “Inheritace in Spain” by Arcos & Lamers Asociados.

At this new web we are providing deep going information on the following subjects:


1)      Spanish Inheritance procedure.

Here you will find a guideline of the steps to take into account at the legal procedure of an Inheritance in Spain. In addition, information on the Spanish law is provided.

2)      Inheritance tax in Spain, examples.


Information on Spanish Inheritance Tax is provided, The provided Inheritance tax scale would be applicable for non tax residents in Spain and may vary in the event that the heirs are fiscal resident in Spain.


3)      whether the national or regional law is applicable.

The collection of the Spanish Inheritance tax and the right to produce additional legislation to the National Inheritance law in Spain have been transferred to the different Regional Inland Revenue’s as per law 21/2001 of 27th December.  Here you will find the explanations on which law is applicable.

4)      information on drafting a Will in Spain, among others.

How to insure your love ones are protected in the event of the death of a relative? Arcos y Lamers Asociados, Spanish law firm settled in Marbella specialized in Spanish Inheritance procedures, recommends in any case, the granting of your Will in Spain before a Spanish Notary relating to your assets located in Spain, since it will mean in the future, a smooth streamlining in the procedure for acceptance and receiving the inheritance in Spain by the appointed heirs.

The English speaking accountants and tax lawyers of this law firm inSpain are always searching to find the best solution for its clients, taking advantage of the newest state of the art technology

Do not hesitate to contact this Spanish law firm for all your Spanish legal and tax enquiries.

María Teresa Arcos, lawyer in Marbella

Wim Lamers, registered accountant (economista) in Spain.

Marbella, July, 2013.

  • Wim Lamers

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