Tax adviser in Spain informing on Spanish Income Tax.
The initial name of the Spanish income tax was “general contribution to Spanish income” (contribución general sobre la renta) , which was approved, long time ago, by the law of November 20, 1932, under the government of Mr. Manuel Azaña and as Minister of Finance Mr. James Carner Romeu. The law, which took effect on January 1, 1933, set a minimum exemption of 100,000 pesetas and tariffs from 1 to 7.70%.
By Act of November 14, 1935, as Minister of Finance Joaquin Chapaprieta, the free threshold was lowered to 80,000 pesetas and maximum rates were increased upto 11%, maintaining the minimum 1%. Several relevant amendments took place between 1940 and 1960. Central Spanish State reform in a decentralized state in the 90s resulted in more changes.
During the last decade additional changes have been introduced in the Spanish tax law leaving the following scales applicable for year 2012. With other words, the Income Tax declaration to be presented in 2013 that entitles income information obtained during 2012 will be taking into account the following scales:
General scale Base upto Euros. Part payment euros Resto of base upto hasta euros Rate applicable to the rest of the base (%) 0,00 0,00 17.707,20 12,00 17.707,20 2.124,86 15.300,00 14,00 33.007,20 4.266,86 20.400,00 18,50 53.407,20 8.040,86 66.593,00 21,50 120.000,20 22.358,36 55.000,00 22,50 Escala adicional para el calculo del gravamen complementario para reducir el déficit publico Base upto Euros. Additional Part payment euros Resto of base upto hasta euros Rate applicable to the rest of the base (%) 0,00 0,00 17.707,20 0,75 17.707,20 132,80 15.300,00 2,00 33.007,20 438,80 20.400,00 3,00 53.407,20 1.050,80 66.593,00 4,00 120.000,20 3.714,52 55.000,00 5,00 175.000,20 6.464,52 125.000,00 6,00 300.000,20 13.964,52 En adelante 7,00 Regional scale for Andalucía Base upto Euros. Additional Part payment euros Resto of base upto hasta euros Rate applicable to the rest of the base (%) 0,00 0,00 17.707,20 12,00 17.707,20 2.124,86 15.300,00 14,00 33.007,20 4.266,86 20.400,00 18,50 53.407,20 8.040,86 6.592,80 21,50 60.000,00 9.458,31 60.000,00 23,50 120.000,00 23.558,31 en adelante 25,50 As an example, a taxpayer, tax resident in Andalucía, with a gross income from work of Euros 60,000 will mean a payment of Euros 9458.31 Euros taxed by the general national scale, Euros.1.314, 51 as per the above mentioned additional scale plus Euros. 9.458.31 as by the Andalucian regional scale, making a total of Euros. 20.231.13 with an average rate of 33.72%. Kindly note that this data is obtained regardless of the family status and is for informative purposes only as no deductions have been taken into account such as those generated at the time of contributions to Spanish pensions plans, contributions to Social security, etc..
Do not hesitate to contact the multi-lingual lawyers, accountants and tax advisers in Spain of Arcos & Lamers Asociados, specialists in the Spanish tax system, for any legal, tax and labour inquiry.
María Teresa Arcos, registered lawyer in Spain.
Wim Lamers, registered accountant (economist) in Spain.
Arcos & Lamers Asociados, Spanish tax lawyers in Marbella, tax lawyers in Spain, income tax in spain specialists, accountants in Spain, accountants in Marbella, tax advisers in Spain, tax advisers in Marbella.
Marbella, June, 2013.
- Accountant in Spain, Emigration to Spain, Fiscal advisers Marbella, Spanish Inland Revenue, Spanish tax, Tax Advice Marbella, Tax advisers, Tax Planning,